High earnings, the opportunity to find a job in various locations in the country and abroad, job stability – all this is waiting for good employees in the IT industry. The demand for employees is so great that employers buy them back and offer more and more salaries.
Two years ago, when we were looking for companies ready to accept young programmers, we usually heard that they only employ seniors. Currently, entrepreneurs increasingly prefer the so-called regular, that is employees with average experience, and at the same time – they are opening to juniors. With the practical lack of seniors and shortages in “regular”, investing the development of inexperienced IT specialists becomes an important strategy for companies.
What is important for the employer, many juniors are more willing to loyalty agreement, committing to work for a specified, longer time. In the case of seniors it is virtually impossible. Experienced programmers negotiate the shortest notice periods, calculated in individual days.
Associations of the average Pole with the IT industry are lack of difficulty in finding and maintaining a job, rapid career development and high earnings. If we look deeper, however, we will see huge problems that prevent the industry from developing – experts warn.
Despite rising employment costs, still only about 30 percent of job offers refer to beginners (so-called juniors). The remaining 70 percent of programmers is required to have several years of experience. Even if companies decide to have a candidate without experience, they often send recruitment invitations only to the heavily narrowed target group – young men after graduation, living in big cities.
Depending on the research, it is reported that women constitute from 8 to 12 percent employed as programmers. This is definitely not enough, as even the European Commission notes. The EC indicates that the European Union’s GDP would increase by 9 billion euros per year if women in the IT industry were represented as numerous as men.