
Foreign employees are budget support.

Foreign employees began to fill the gap in the Social Insurance Institution’s finances. The job department wants to facilitate their employment.

Foreigners are not only successfully rescuing the Polish labor market, but are also becoming more and more supportive for public finances. According to the estimates, last year they could give the state even PLN 3-6 billion in the form of various tributes. It is about people who are registered with the Social Security Institution, who work legally under a contract-mandate or contract of employment and pay social insurance and PIT contributions. According to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) data, as of the end of 2017, the number reached 440,000 and it was up to 50 percent more than a year ago and by 140 percent more than two years ago.

Undoubtely, the rapid increase in the number of foreigners in the insured registers is one of the reasons for the relatively good financial situation of the Social Insurance Institution, which ended the year with a smallerย deficit than planned.

It is a positive occurence. Not only because foreigners support social security and state budget, but also because they improve the terrible proportions between working and non-working people.

