Category: HR


Fixed-term work contract in Poland.

The specificity of a fixed-term contract is a top-down specification of the time for which it is concluded, which means that it is valid only temporarily. This is one of the types of employment contract.Continue Reading..


Labor market in Poland. Lowering the minimum age of employees

Young employees may be more exposed to problems with employers. Therefore, before starting their first job, they must learn about the rights and obligations that will apply to them. From September this year will be reduced the age limit and work will be able to take people who are 15 years of age.

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The fight for programmers continues.

High earnings, the opportunity to find a job in various locations in the country and abroad, job stability – all this is waiting for good employees in the IT industry. The demand for employees is so great that employers buy them back and offer more and more salaries.

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Labor market in Poland. Education will become less and less important.

Within 10-15 years a breakthrough on the labor market may occur. The success will be decided not by studies but by experience, a set of appropriate qualifications, creativity and passion, the ability to learn quickly and independently.

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Polish specialists sought by companies from around the world.

Polish specialists are sought after today by companies from around the world. Mostly, however, Europe is seeking for them, and in it Germany – writes in its Friday issue (October 13, 2017) the daily newspaper “Die Welt”. More than 100,000 are currently vacant in the western neighbor of Poland. jobs – mainly in the engineering, electrotechnical and electronics industries as well as in the IT industry.

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Importance of human resources services in your company

According to the New York Times, Poland has the second highest percentage (at 39%) of people 25 to 34 years old with university degrees or the equivalent in the world (for comparison, US ranks 11th). The same article quotes an example of a salary being less than a half of what the same employee would cost in the United States. Poland continues to become a leader of offshoring for multiple business giants as well as small and medium businesses, which makes human resources services extremely important.

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