Category: Standard


The European Union must face the biggest crisis in its history.

The European Union must face the biggest economic crisis in its history – warns the European Commission in its latest spring economic forecasts. In her view, the decline in GDP in the EU in 2020 will reach a record 7.4 percent, and in the euro area alone 7.7 percent. During the apogee of the financial crisis in 2009, the eurozone’s economy shrank by 4.5 percent.Continue Reading..


Increased hacker attacks during the coronavirus pandemic era.

Enterprises, companies and private internet users are the victims of hackers, all Internet users are highly exposed.Continue Reading..


Migration crisis – EU problems have not been resolved.

Within almost five years of the migration crisis, the European Union has not resolved any of the long list of problems at its borders.Continue Reading..


Fuels can get cheaper, oil prices are already very low.

The sharp sell-off in the oil market will translate into the fuel market. In the perspective of several days, prices at stations can fall by 15-20 grosze. The question arises what to do next with oil. The price collapse may affect the decline in shale oil production in the US, where the average cost of production is $ 35-40. per barrel. But the crisis, and thus nervousness in the oil market, can still last.Continue Reading..



Blockchain technology is used to store and send information about transactions concluded on the internet. These transactions are arranged in consecutive blocks of data. Each block contains information about a specific number of transactions.

After filling it with transaction information, another data block is created, followed by the next and next block. This creates a kind of chain (hence the name: blockchain is a block chain). A new block appears on average every 10 minutes. It may contain information about various transactions, e.g. commercial transactions, ownership status, shares, shares, electricity generation and the purchase or sale of currencies, including cryptocurrencies – electronic currencies.

The essence of blockchain is to maintain a joint and collective transaction accounting book, in digital form, scattered throughout the network, in the same copies. This book is a collection of all transactions carried out at the moment in blockchain. This technology is based on peer-to-peer networks without central computers, transaction management and verification systems. Any computer on the network can participate in transaction transmission and authentication. In the case of blockchain, these will be blocks within the transaction book. The book is open to everyone, but fully secured by complicated cryptographic tools against unauthorized access.

Thanks to this entry, transactions are public, available to everyone, but visible only under the user’s access rights. Their entire history, from the beginning of blockchain existence to today, can be reviewed and verified.

Currently, blockchain can be used to handle various transactions, but work is underway to use the block chain as an accounting book in banking, a document authentication system, a digital signature in state administration and a notary record. All these transactions can take place outside the system that has been functioning for centuries – without the participation of public trust institutions, directly between the parties to the transaction. You can store any type of transaction in blockchain data blocks. One of the applications is the cryptocurrencies mentioned for example Bitcoin.


The development of the Polish institutional rental market.

According to earlier announcements, this year, the so-called the FINN Act, i.e. companies investing in property rental, which will be the counterparts of REITs operating in many countries.Continue Reading..


The EU has extended the black list of tax havens.

The European Union has expanded the black list of tax havens that it created at the end of 2017. It has added 10 jurisdictions, including the United Arab Emirates, Oman as well as the British and Dutch overseas territories. Blacklisted countries may be covered by stricter controls of transactions with the EU.Continue Reading..


Things you must think about if you’re setting up a modern company in Poland.

If you are just starting or thinking about starting a company in Poland, you must ensure that your customers will find you. And it does not matter if you are a freelancer, run a Polish limited liability company by yourself or you have a company where you employ several people. Today, it is impossible to function without a professional presence on the Internet. Here are the things you simply need to remember.Continue Reading..


The latest results of the euro area’s foreign trade.

The Eurostat statistical office has reported the outcome of the euro area’s foreign trade. In January 2019, it amounted to EUR 1.5 billion. One month earlier, the level of EUR 17 billion has been reached.Continue Reading..