Tag: Taxes in Poland


The tax office will expand control and will check the taxpayer even outside Poland.

The Ministry of Finance plans to give new powers to the tax authorities, will exchange information about taxpayers with other countries. Everything for a wider tax seal. The first exchange of information is expected later this year.Continue Reading..


By January 31, taxpayers must provide the tax authority with important information.

January 31 is an important date for taxpayers; the last day to provide the tax authority with information on revenues from other sources and on income and collected advance payments for income tax in 2019.Continue Reading..


Central Invoice Register – a new tool for controlling entrepreneurs

On 1.12.2010, the European Commission issued a document called the “Green Paper” on the future of VAT. It set out recommendations that were necessary for simpler and more efficient settlement of value added tax. In addition, one of the tools aimed at minimizing tax fraud was to be a system monitoring all invoices in combination with settlements made by entrepreneurs for VAT. The Central Invoice Register will be such a tool in Poland. It is a tool that allows checking the correctness of issuing invoices, analyzing and detecting carousels and eliminating, among others, the so-called empty invoices, i.e. documenting fictitious transactions. In addition, CRF is to streamline and accelerate tax audits.


The Polish government wants to tax Netflix, Spotify and other streaming services…

If the new PiS project comes into force, the state budget can affect up to one billion zlotys a year. By applying taxes to digital service providers, including Netflix, HBO and even Facebook the government wants to gain funds in this way to implement the recently announced election promises.Continue Reading..


Unregistered business activity in Poland.

Good news for those who earn in the unregistered activity. The Ministry of Finance confirms that it will reduce to the minimum the paperwork – for us and the contractors with whom we cooperate.

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The European Union leaves a free decision in the application of VAT to the countries of the community.

The reduced VAT rate on the goods and services chosen by the state will be determined by local governments, not by Brussels. This is the next stage of the Union tax reform announced by the European Commission.

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Over 21 thousand taxpayers arrived in Krakow.

21 thousand 85 new taxpayers and 47.4 million more in the budget – these are the effects of the “Pay taxes in Krakow” campaign for 2016. According to the chairman of KrakΓ³w City Council, this result is the effect of the growing awareness of the residents and the attractiveness of Krakow as a place to live.

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2017 – changes in Polish taxes.

Year 2017 brings multiple changes inΒ Polish tax regulations thatΒ entrepreneurs should be aware of, including:


A new rate of 15% (instead of the previous 19%) was introduced for smaller companies. This rate is available for new businesses and companies that had income (including sales tax) not exceeding 1Β 200Β 000 euro (5 157 000 PLN in 2017) in the previous year. Capital groups are not allowed to use this rate.

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