Tag: Company in Poland


Dropshipping – great idea for a business in Poland.

What is dropshipping?

It is a logistic model of Internet sales involving the transfer of the process of shipment of goods to the supplier. The role of the online store in this logistic model comes down to collecting orders and sending them to the supplier who performs the shipment of the goods to the customer.

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Revolutionary changes in running a company in Poland in 2018.

Some entrepreneurs will not have to register at all, others will not pay any premiums for half a year. In the end, several hundred thousand Poles will pay much lower ZUS, even only 32 zlotys a month. From January 2018, a revolution in running a company awaits us.

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Foreign companies like to invest in Poland.

Foreign investors like to invest in Poland. The decision to re-invest in Poland would take 92 percent. of them. This is the result of the 11th edition of the study “Investment climate in Poland” conducted by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) with the support of HSBC and Grant Thornton. Unfortunately, the percentage of satisfied investors is falling.

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Europe is divorced. This is a risk for Polish companies.

It is not the Poles living in Great Britain who will lose the most on Brexit, although it is their talk about them the most. Polish small and medium-sized enterprises that are the salt of our economy will suffer the most.

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Employees from Asia fill vacancies in Polish companies.

In Poland it is difficult for good and experienced welders. Unfortunately our schools do not prepare enough such specialists. On those of Ukraine we have no chance, because most of them employ Russian companies like Gazprom. So there are the Asian markets where the workers are good and they are now working in for eg. Saudi Arabia. It is only a matter of time before they are brought to us massively.

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An employee may or may not agree to have his or her salary transferred to a bank account.

The employer can not require the employee to set up a bank account for the payroll. Insisting on it, breaks the law. Then the injured person can report the case to the National Labour Inspectorate and apply for compensation. In exceptional situations, the boss can even be punished for his persistence.

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Lower ZUS contributions for the first three years of running a business. The government has a new idea.

The period of preferential payment of social security contributions will be extended to 3 years – proposed MRPiPS. The baseline would be 30 percent of the minimum wage in the first and second year of business and 60% in the third year.

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